Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Revelation 1:1-20

Apocalypse Now

We are finally to the last book in the Bible. It is generally called Revelation; however, some versions call it the Apocalypse. Both are correct. Apocalypse is from the Greek word “apokálypsis” which is how the book opens. “The apokálypsis of Jesus Christ.”

We tend to think of the word apocalypse as having to do with a catastrophic event, especially concerning the ending of the world. The book of Revelation is the primary reason for this. But apocalypse doesn’t actually mean that. The word is literally “lifting the veil”. It means to reveal something that was previously unknown. Therefore it is also quite correct to translate “The revelation of Jesus Christ”. 

Did you notice that the revelation isn’t really about the end of the world. For sure, this book does contain the ending of this world system, but that isn’t the most important thing it contains, nor is it the focus of the book. This is the revelation of Jesus the Christ. In this book we shall see His birth, His death, His exaltation, His return, and His triumph. 

This book is full of signs and symbols. We cannot be certain which things are literal and which are symbolic. It is not in chronological order. We cannot say with certainty what goes where on the timeline. Some images are frightening, some are glorious, and several passages are simply stunning. We should it be what it is and not try to turn it into a puzzle to be solved.

The only way to get through this book and not lose our way is to stay focused on the focus - Jesus Christ. 

In this opening chapter we are reassured that He is coming again. It will be literal for every eye will see Him. John then has a striking vision of Christ; His eyes like blazing fire, His voice like many waters, His face like the sun. He stands in the midst of his churches which themselves bear light. He holds the leaders of the churches in His hand as well as the keys of death and Hades. What will He say? Let us press ahead with our eyes and ears open as we look behind the veil.

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