Monday, December 12, 2011

Jude 1:1-25

The Way of Cain

Jude wanted to write about the good news but he realized that it was more needed for him to write a warning about those enemies of the faith who pretend to be followers of the faith but who actually follow their natural instincts. He gives three Old Testament examples of these kinds of people and all three are instructive.

They have followed the way of Cain. Cain of course was the one whose sacrifice was rejected and out of envy murdered his brother Abel. Clearly murder was a terrible act but it was the result, not the root, of the real issue. The way of Cain isn’t necessarily murder. It isn’t envy which preceded and precipitated the murder. The way of Cain was to come to God in the way that seemed best to him instead of the way God prescribed. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. Abel brought a blood sacrifice. Blood sacrifices are messy and cruel. Cain brought a bloodless sacrifice. His sacrifice looked and smelled better. He had a great idea, but it was an idea that was totally of the flesh.

They have rushed for profit into Balaam’s error. Balaam was a prophet who actually heard from the Lord. When Balak sent for him the Lord told him not to go and Balaam obeyed. Then Balak offered more money. Balaam asked again if he could go. (As if the amount of money in question made a difference?) The Lord let him go but warned him to only say what the Lord told him. (This was the famous occasion where the Lord opened the mouth of Balaam’s donkey.) Balaam obeyed and only prophesied good things for Israel. Balak was angry and wasn’t going to give Balaam anything. After Balaam had finished giving his prophesies he thought he saw a loop hole. He instructed Balak in how to get Israel to bring a curse on itself by enticing them to worship idols. He got his money. He also was killed for his trouble, as well he should have been, since his advice started Israel on a path that led to untold trouble and misery.

They have been destroyed in Korah’s rebellion. Korah’s issue was very simple. He thought that anyone could claim for themselves God’s call. God had called Moses and Aaron? What about me? I’m just as good as they are. That was the basis of his rebellion. He refused to allow God to be the One who calls and those it was just as good for man to do the calling. He has many descendants. All three of these do.

Nevertheless, we serve a God who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy. Let us trust in Him and not ourselves.

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