Thursday, June 2, 2011

John 9:18-41

The Man Born Blind (part 2)

Revelation 12:10 says that the saints overcame the accuser of the brethren (the devil) “by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.”

You are not more clever than the devil. I know, I know, we are overcomers. No weapon formed against us can prosper. We win and the devil loses. All of these things are true; however, you are still not as clever as the devil. I’m not either. He is not defeated by our clever arguments; not now, not ever, never. But we try. Oh how we try! Yes, the Holy Spirit at times comes to our aide and we say something life changing to someone, but that is rarely in the form of winning an argument. Jesus won many arguments but they rarely resulted in the conversion of those with whom He was arguing.

The man born blind has one of the best lines ever delivered anywhere at any time. He isn’t really arguing with the Pharisees (Jesus never actually “argued” either) but the Pharisees are certainly arguing with him. They are desperate to discredit Jesus in the face of this great miracle and try to recruit this man to their side by informing him that they “know” that Jesus is a sinner. He simply replies, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” It was brilliantly devastating. Fantastic! A personal testimony cannot be refuted.

The blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony is the recipe for overcoming the devil. Jesus has taken care of the first part, the second part is up to us.

1 comment:

Ruminatin' Rod said...

Oh yes...through out Pro-Verbs...I read how futile it is to argue with fools...because we become like them. Great word on our personal testimony. I heard a wise man say..."It's not WHAT you know...but WHO you know."