Higher! Higher!
“Back in my day…” This was back when you had to get up to change the channel on the TV. This was when no one knew that a telephone was really just a “land line”. This was when you had to take your “film” to have it developed and wait a week to discover how miserable a photographer you were on your vacation or special occasion. We did, however, have video cameras! We had left behind the silent era of 8mm film and could actually record sound on the same device we used for video which we carried on our shoulder.
Fortunately we have some video from when our kids were young. They were in the back yard playing on the swing set and singing one of our favorite songs. One verse said: “His ways are higher than mine. His ways are higher than mine. His ways are higher than mine, much higher.” The chorus was simply: “Higher higher, much much higher. Higher higher much higher.”
Wonder where that song came from? How about Isaiah 55?
Wiser! Wiser!
Oh yes, there was another verse. “His thoughts are wiser than mine. His thoughts…” I think you can figure it out from there.
We are often tempted to question God. We are tempted to question why things happen or don’t happen. Why doesn’t God “Do Something”? (Of course He already has but that is another topic.)
Here is the simple answer. His sways aren’t our ways. His thoughts aren’t our thoughts. Furthermore, His ways are higher than ours and His thoughts are wiser than our thoughts. Period.
Here are a few examples:
- Let’s get rid of money. Food and drink and the things that are needed and satisfy should not be available based on how much money you have. No 1% prospering at the expense of the 99%. Poof! Gone! It’s not an issue. The only issue is if you are hungry, eat. If you are thirsty, drink.
- Forgiveness. Have you done wrong? Turn away from your wrong. Do you need mercy and pardon? Turn to the Lord.
- You shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace. Let joy and peace be the order of the day? What, just like that? Yes. Just like that.
These sure aren’t out ways or thoughts. Do away with money? Just forgive and pardon people as if they were sinless? Perpetual joy and peace? Who can even imagine such things. You might as well imagine the mountain singing and the trees clapping. (Actually, I think it would be so cool if those were more than just poetic images, and I suspect they might very well be.)
Furthermore, all of this will happen. It will happen because these are His ways and His thoughts and He has said it. That’s right, and just as the rain comes down and makes things grow even so His Word always accomplishes everything He sends it to do.
Some day we may be saying, “Remember when you had to spend money to get the things you needed? Remember when mercy and forgiveness didn’t flow like a river? Remember when there was war and sadness? Boy, I sure an glad those days are gone!”
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