Friday, April 27, 2012

Fifty Two Weeks / Psalm 133


This has always been one of my favorite psalms because I believe in it so much and it is the key to great blessing. 

With only three verses it is one of the shortest of the psalms but if you remove the parenthetical poetic portion  which comprises verse two and part of verse three it is even shorter than Psalm 117.

The basic message of Psalm 133 is: 
      How good and pleasant it is
      when God’s people live together in unity!
      For there the Lord bestows his blessing,
      even life forevermore.

Unity is not Uniformity nor Unanimity

Many people mistake unity with these other two concepts. I was once an elder at a church where the sense was that any decision we made had to require unanimity. It sounded good on the surface but in reality it was not a  biblical model and was quite restricting. It is rare to find a room full of leaders in complete agreement, especially on non essential issues. Frankly, most issues in life are non essential. 

In our church once a matter is discussed by the elders we will hold off on making a decision if there is confusion or significant dissent. We don’t merely count votes and then go along with the majority but we also don’t have to have a 100% agreement. If there is a pretty clear sense that we should move ahead on an issue but some are opposed we then shift the question to this: “Even though you have reservations about this decision can you walk in unity with us on it?” Usually we come to a place of unity but if we cannot there are few (if any) non essential issues worth the cost of our unity.

Uniformity is virtually always a sham. Usually it is forced and belies an underlying resentment.

Ah, but where there is true unity it is indeed good and pleasant. There you find respect for the individual blended with love for the special bond we share together. This is a fruitful, rich, blessed environment. 

Here comes the Poetry

Of course God doesn’t add extra words for no purpose. 

Unity is like the anointing of God upon the High Priest. If you want “the anointing” in your ministry (or life) pursue unity, or at the very least find a place where you can walk in unity.

Unity is like a powerful constant source of life bringing refreshment. The peaks of Mount Hermon are almost two miles high and covered in snow most of the year. The run off from the snow packs is the main water source for the Jordan river and brings much needed water into a largely arid region. Disunity creates a stagnant barrenness that is hard to endure. Unity creates a constant source of refreshing that allows us to not be so consumed with the distractions of life in a fallen world and allows us to focus our attention on God.

God’s people living together in unity is good and pleasant. It is conducive to fruitfulness and holy anointing. This is where God commands a blessing. Don’t underrate it. Seek it.

1 comment:

phyll is said...

wanted to share one of my favorite female christian artist singing about THE WORD
