Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fifty-Two Chapters / Exodus 3

There is no question but that the meeting of God with Moses at the burning bush is one of the key events in human history. Here are my thoughts from this significant chapter.

Consider Moses. At this point in his life he is eighty years old. At one time he was a man of high position and influence in Egypt; a prince in the land. He tried to use that fleshly power and influence to do good for God’s people and failed miserably. As a result he became an outlaw escaping as a refugee to the desert. This is now forty years later and it is just another regular day on his regular job as a shepherd. 

It was a regular day on a regular job when he saw what could have easily passed for a regular sight. The conditions were so dry and so hot in this wilderness that seeing a bush spontaneously combust into flames was not an unusual sight. What was unusual was for the bush to not actually be consumed but in order to observe that Moses had to actually look at the sight. He had to look for more than a few seconds. He had to actually be paying attention for God on a regular day at his regular job.

Consider God. This God calls a broken failure of a man in his menial state and blithely tells him to go and deliver a nation of slaves from one of the greatest powers on earth. Furthermore, He states that this earthly power will resist this suggestion but not to worry about that because God Himself will deal with them. What kind of God is this? This is like sending a pee wee team in to play in the Super Bowl. “Don’t worry. The New England Patriots are a lot faster bigger and stronger than you, but we’ll win.”

Moses asks God for His name. This is a reasonable request and God has two answers. This is also reasonable since God is a bit much for just one name, and also because both of these names are full of meaning.


This is why Moses can actually do the task being assigned, because he won’t actually be the one doing it. I AM WHO I AM means that God is the One who doesn’t actually need anyone or anything else. He is completely self sufficient. 

I AM WHO I AM also means that God doesn’t change. Everything in the material universe is in a constant state of flux. Everything is growing or dying, waxing or waning, aging and fading or birthing and coming into its own for a brief time. Even the most solid of objects are made up of atoms which are in constant and unpredictable motion. There is an ancient saying from the Middle East that encapsulates this truth: “You can never step in the same river twice.”

With everything in a state of constant change what can one depend on? The answer is only the One fixed point in all of the universe: I AM THAT I AM.

“I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”

This is the other name by which God identified Himself to Moses. This is a wonderful name. While the other name indicates an awesomeness of power and mystery far beyond our ability to comprehend this name is other end of the spectrum of God’s names. He is a personal God. He walks in relationship with regular flawed people.

To all who are regular flawed people with ordinary lives filled with ordinary days, and who long for something, or better yet someone, they can totally count on - this is the God for you. 

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