Saturday, December 24, 2011

Revelation 14:1-20

Angels and Rapture

The Christ has come. The devil has released the antichrist. Now what? I don’t claim to understand all of the symbolism here but let me tell you what I see.

First I see the Lamb and His choice followers standing atop Mt Zion in full view and clearly defying whatever authority the beast claims to have. Obviously God can take care of His own.

I then see angelic messengers. Which Christ was born His birth was heralded by angels, so it is fitting that when the hour of God’s judgment proceeding His return is at hand that too should be announced by an angel. A second angel then comes to announce that the world system has fallen. I don’t have space to go into it here but take my word that Babylon is symbolic for the world system. 

Then a third angel comes and gives the flip side of what it means to take the mark of the beast. Those who refuse to take the mark (which may be a physical mark or may simply be a willingness to sell out to the world system) are threatened with being unable to buy or sell. Those who do take the mark are warned that they will be subject to the wrath of God. Threatened with supposed economic ruin or warned of the coming wrath of God? It should be an easy choice, and likely will be for most everyone, but many will chose the wrong way.

I grew up with the doctrine of the Rapture. While this word isn’t actually used in scripture the concept is alluded to various times. The concept is the idea that those who are faithful believers in Christ will be taken out of the world before the actual return of Christ. In fact, it is quite certain that the Bible teaches this. The question concerns exactly when in the course of final events does this happen. There are three major theories.

One theory (the one I was raised with) is that the Rapture will happen before the “Great Tribulation” which is generally suggested to start with the opening of the seven seals in chapter six. Another idea is that the Rapture doesn’t happen until immediately prior to Christ’s physical return. There are several verses scattered through the New Testament which suggest this scenario. The third idea is that the Rapture would occur at some mid point in the time of tribulation. 

The third suggestion is the one that works best for me. If in fact this is the case then I think we are seeing the Rapture right here. The “one like a son of man” is a clear reference to Daniel chapter seven and refers to the Christ. He swings His sickle and the earth is harvested. Those who belong to Him are taken before the wrath of God is poured out in the coming seven bowls. The next harvest is performed by another and this harvest is for those being thrown into the great winepress of God’s wrath. 

Of course, this may not be what this means at all but it certainly seems like a nice fit. We shall see when all is made plain.

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