Thursday, September 22, 2011

2 Corinthians 6:1-18

Breaking the Yoke

“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.” 

What does that mean? To some people it means to not have anything to do with “the world” at all. It means to withdraw into an isolated society. Clearly, it does not mean that.

It is not always wrong to withdraw into an isolated society, but often the results are not good. Furthermore, there are too many scriptures that indicate we are to be involved in society to base not being involved on a supposed command from scripture. Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. You are the salt of the earth.” In praying for His followers Jesus said, “My prayer is not that you take them out of the world, but that you protect them from the evil one.” Additionally, Jesus Himself was accused of being too friendly with “the world”. Jesus is our example.

Some would say we shouldn’t have any business dealings with “the world” and should only deal with “Christians”. Maybe. So, how do you know for sure who the Christians are? Is a Christian icon on a business card a guarantee? Perhaps if you know someone well enough you can screen out the unbelievers but what about the electric company, or the grocery, or the gas station? Maybe you could avoid all of these by withdrawing into an isolated group, but then how could we go into all the world and make disciples?

Some would say this means that believers should not marry unbelievers. This seems to be getting to the heart of the matter. Marriage is a covenant. It is the most sacred covenant two human beings can enter into. This would clearly be a case of being yoked together. 

So, does this covenant thing apply to business contracts and partnerships and the like? Does it? That’s between you and God. For some the answer would clearly be, “Yes, it does.” For others, “No, in this situation the Lord wants me involved with this person.” Each one should be fully convinced in his or her own mind but know that you can only be convinced for you. The meaning of this instruction is not a black and white proposition. This is why each one needs a relationship with the Holy Spirit. I can’t tell you for certain who you should not be yoked with but I can say who you should be yoked with - the Holy Spirit. He’ll sort out the rest for you. 

1 comment:

Kenn K Stilger said...

This came up in our small group discussion at the Gater on Tuesday..for me the Key was Loris understadning of this position While we had an extraordinary friendship when I asked her if she wanted to marry me , she said that as mucha s she wanted to she could not because I had not accepted Christ ..that was the key for me , I didn't accpet Christ to get married , I understood how much she loved Him and what that meant as far as sacrifice for her to choose to follow HIm a few words it made me realize that He was indeed worth following ...It was Loris witness and steadfast Trust in Christ that broke through my stubborn resolve ,,,,