Monday, April 18, 2011

Luke 12:22-40

Advertising Peace

Think about the commercials you see on TV or hear on the radio. Most of them are telling you that you need something to help complete your life. You need a certain car. You need a certain coffee. You need a certain shirt or haircut. Maybe you need a vacation. For sure you need drugs. Not the dangerous habit forming illegal ones, but the dangerous habit forming legal ones. And you need insurance! By all means you need insurance. And why do you need insurance since you can’t drive it or drink it or wear it? You need it for “peace of mind.” And the reason you need these things is because you are not really a human being anymore. No! You are an advanced species called a consumer. This is the utopia of what the world has to offer.

Then there is Jesus. To Jesus you are not a consumer; rather, you are of infinite value. You are an immortal soul and you carry the very image of the Creator of the Universe. Therefore, His advice is a little bit different.

Do not worry about your life. Your life isn’t really about food and clothes. Besides that, worry cannot add anything positive to your life. You have a Father! He will take care of you. He will clothe you and feed you and give you the kingdom. Simply seek Him and do not be afraid. There are purses that will not wear out. There is treasure that is inexhaustible.

So what’s it to be? A consumer who needs and needs, or a fearless child who knows he/she is well loved? Your choice is the determining factor; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

1 comment:

Wayne Berry said...

"Where your treasure is
Is where your heart is
And where your heart is
That's where your pleasure is
If you're a child of His
You live in His rightteousness
And where your treasure is
That's where your heart is"
(W.B./ Circa: Years ago)